Consultation (gratuite)
If this is your first visit to a cosmetologist, we recommend starting with a consultation.
How is consultation done?
- consultation ONLY - we'll determine your skin type, discuss your desired results, help you choose the right skincare products, and decide which procedure will best address your specific concerns.
- consultation + first procedure - we'll determine your skin type, discuss your desired results, help you choose the right skincare products, and decide which procedure will best address your specific concerns. We will perform the first procedure directly after consultation. The price will depends on the type of the procedure.Face care by Meder
Meder is a premium Swiss line known for its high-quality professional skincare.
Arma-Lift: increases firmness, reduces wrinkles, minimizes nasolabial folds, and addresses ptosis.
Eu-Seb: reduces inflammation, oiliness, tightens pores, and restores the skin microbiome.
Lipo-Oval: reduces puffiness, sculpts facial contours, and improves skin resilience.
Myo-Fix: reduces mimic wrinkles, softens facial expression, and improves skin resilience.
Red-Apax: reduces redness, restores comfort, moisturizes, and aids recovery after skin injury.
Hydra-Fill: restores moisture, enhances elasticity, smooths fine lines, reduces capillaries.
Age: recommended for individuals 16+.
Frequency: treatments can be performed every 5-7 days.Biorevitalisation
Looking for a way to rejuvenate your skin? Biorevitalization is a treatment you need!
is a minimally invasive procedure that involves applying of hyaluronic acid (HA), vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants into the upper layers of the skin. It helps to deeply hydrate and reinvigorate the skin.
Age restrictions: recommended to do from 18 years.
Post procedure recommendations: do not drink anything hot 3 hours after the procedure.
Frequency: once in 2 weeks, repeat 2-3 times once in 6 months.