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Sugar hair removal
This method has become very popular in our institute. The sugar paste is 100% natural. It is based on millennial recipes from the Middle East and contains exclusively water and sugar, without any chemical, aromatic or coloring substance.
The paste is hypoallergenic and does not cause skin irritation. It applies to all areas. The paste is massaged inside the follicle, it envelops the hairs, surrounds them and lubricates them.
The extraction is done in the natural direction of hair growth. There is no broken hair left in the follicle. This technique does not cause redness or irritation of the skin.
Non-negligible advantage is the fact that it is not necessary to have a certain length of hair as with wax, the sugar effectively removes very short hair.
The sugar withdraws without tapes.
We also recommend this method to teenagers for their first depilations and to people who want full hair removal, because it is much less painful than waxing.