welcome Bioenergetic massages: Gentle and rhythmic grips, which send targeted signals to the brain, create a deep feeling of relaxation in the body and activate the brain. Bioenergetic massage create a deep feeling of relaxation in the body and activate the natural natural self-healing process. Body and mind are brought back into harmony. Brought back into harmony. Emotional and energetic blockages can be released. Emmett Technique : Through targeted stimulation of the body's own trigger points, muscular tension can be released. Muscular tensions, stimulate the lymphatic system and transform/clear deep-seated emotions in the body, without deep-seated emotions in the body without having to talk about them. The result is a feeling of lightness. Jaw Balance R.E.S.E.T : tense jaw, tense body. In a gentle manual procedure, tensions in the jaw are released by tensions in the jaw are released by holding different positions with the mouth open and closed for a short time. In this way muscles and joints relax and a feeling of balance is is allowed to set in. Jaw R.E.S.E.T. has the effect of optimally distributing the muscular strength of the jaw joint and the muscles involved. This means that muscles which may have too little tension are re-energised and the and the part of the musculature that is tight or tense is allowed to release. Emotion code: Trapped emotions caused by traumas or overstraining life situations can lead to physical and psychological disorders. Can lead to physical and psychological imbalances. Via the kinesiological muscle test, the emotion code is used to identify and release these emotions and then released. Children's massage up to 18 years: Each children's massage includes all of the above treatment methods, which are individually tailored. All treatment methods have the goal of strengthening your health and well-being, and and to regulate existing physical imbalances. Body, mind and soul in balance = more quality of life At the beginning of each appointment, we will first decide together in a personal preliminary talk which treatment suits you best on that day, in order to get the best possible results for you. If you are still unsure whether my treatments are right for you, please contact me personally, please contact me personally and read the customer feedback. Thank you for your trust. I look forward to seeing you Lena About me: Nurse, alkaline fasting consultant according to Wacker, bioenergetic massage therapist, certified Emmett and Emotion Code user. I speak Luxembourgish, German, English and French (basic knowledge). Medical Disclaimer: My treatments do not constitute a diagnosis or a promise of a cure and, above all, do not replace medical advice and treatment. Card deposit when booking an appointment In the past, appointments were unfortunately not kept. No cancelations, no appearances, not reachable by phone. Hence the cancellation fees and card deposits. The card
Faszinierende Massage bei Lena - super nette und kompetente Person