Institut Nora Keser

Le spécialiste de l'Anti-âge


26, op de GÉIEREN Sprinkange L-4970

Salon - Institut Nora Keser
Salon - Institut Nora Keser
Salon - Institut Nora Keser
Salon - Institut Nora Keser


Laser aisselles 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Aisselles
Laser maillot integral homme femme 6+1(offert)
780 €
910 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bikini
Laser jambes complètes 6+1 (offert)
1200 €
1400 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Jambes
Laser demi jambes 6+1 (offert)
780 €
910 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Jambes
Laser lèvres supérieur 6+1 (offert)
300 €
350 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Lèvre sup.
Laser menton 6+1 (offert)
300 €
350 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Menton
Laser machoire / joues 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Mâchoire / Joues
Laser demi bras 6+1 (offert)
600 €
700 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bras
Laser bras complet 6+1 (offert)
900 €
1050 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bras
Laser ventre 6+1 (offert)
600 €
700 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Ventre (H)
Laser torse simple 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Torse
Laser torse + épaule 6+1 (offert)
840 €
980 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Torse
Laser orteils 6+1 (offert)
360 €
420 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Orteils
Laser orteils + pieds 6+1 (offert)
600 €
700 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Orteils
Laser poitrine 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Poitrine (F)
Laser mains 6+1 (offert)
600 €
700 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Mains / Pieds
Laser pieds 6+1 (offert)
360 €
420 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Mains / Pieds
Laser nez 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Nez
Laser cou 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Laser cou
Laser epaules 6+1 (offert)
300 €
350 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Epaules
Laser dos 6+1 (offert)
1200 €
1400 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Dos
Laser dos + epaules 6+1 (offert)
1500 €
1750 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Dos
Laser pomette 6+1 (offert)
420 €
490 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x pommette
Laser oreilles 6+1 (offert)
300 €
350 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x oreille
Massage dos epaule nuque 45'
450 €
525 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Massage du dos, épaules, nuque 45'
Massage 1H00 6+1 (offert)
690 €
805 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Massage personnalisé corps complet 60'
Massage 1H30 6+1(offert)
990 €
1155 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Massage personnalisé corps 90'
lipohifu 3 seances + 1 creme raffermissante offerte
1650 €
1740 €Save 5%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Lipo hifu cuisses genoux
Laser bikini echancre + aisselles 6+1 offert
1020 €
1190 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bikini
  • 7x Aisselles
Laser maillot int/jambes complete/aisselle
2400 €
2800 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Aisselles
  • 7x Bikini intégral (H)
  • and more
Laser demi-jambes/maillot int/ (orteil offert) 6+1
1560 €
2240 €Save 30%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bikini
  • 7x Jambes
  • and more
HIFU visage et cou
1080 €
1200 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu visage cou
HIFU visage cou decolleté
1215 €
1350 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu visage cou décolleté
HIFU yeux
540 €
600 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu contour yeux
HIFU ventre
1215 €
1350 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu ventre
HIFU interieur cuisse
945 €
1050 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu intérieur cuisse
HIFU cou
810 €
900 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu cou
HIFU genoux
945 €
1050 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu genoux
Lipo HIFU cuisses genoux
1485 €
1740 €Save 15%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Lipo hifu cuisses genoux
1485 €
1650 €Save 10%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Lipo hifu ventre
1215 €
1440 €Save 16%

Subscription includes

  • 3x Hifu bras
Massage dos epaule nuque 45
450 €
525 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Massage du dos, épaules, nuque 45'
1190 €
1470 €Save 19%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bikini
  • 7x Jambes
480 €
560 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bikini
radiofrequence visage cou 6+1offert
990 €
1155 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x radiofrequence cryoskin visage cou
radiofrequence ventre 6+1offert
900 €
1050 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Ventre
radiofrequence jambes6+1offert
1080 €
1260 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Jambes
Cryoskin radiofréquence bras
540 €
630 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Bras
Microneedling + masque enzyme
1080 €
1260 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Microneedling + Masque enzymatique
Geneo soin visage
1017 €
1186.50 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x GENEO revive soin visage antiâge
Massage 30min (dos ou jambes)
360 €
420 €Save 14%

Subscription includes

  • 7x Massage dos 30'


Gift voucher
All services
category-icon [object Object]
Facial treatments
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Hair removal
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Nails, Hands & Feet
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Massage & Spa
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Eyebrows and Makeup

Offre promotionnelle

Enveloppement beurre de karité

Starting at 79.50 €

Soin relaxant dos (gommage+massage)

Starting at 75 €

Massage relaxant 1h

Starting at 90 €

Massage duo

Starting at 230 €

Green Peel energy Dr Schrammek

Starting at 145.50 €

Gommage corps+enveloppement chaud beurre karité

Starting at 145.50 €


Manucure classique

Starting at 50 €

Manucure wellness

Starting at 70 €

1ière fois Gel + allongements

Starting at 130 €

Remplissage gel 3 semaines

Starting at 77.50 €

Remplissage gel 4semaines

Starting at 88.50 €

Deco par ongle

Starting at 3 €

Supplément paraffine

Starting at 20 €

Retrait semi permanent ou gel + manucure

Starting at 65 €

Supplement baby manucure

Starting at 20 €

supplement gommage mains

Starting at 10 €

Réparation ongle hors remplissage

Starting at 15 €

Semi permanent 3 semaines

Starting at 65 €

Semi permanent 4 semaines

Starting at 75 €

Remplissage ongles XL en gel

Starting at 150 €

pédicure pédispa pédicure Wellness

Pédispa pédicure medicale

Starting at 90 €

Pédispa pédicure classique

Starting at 85 €

Supplément paraffine

Starting at 20 €


Pédicure classique

Starting at 60 €

Pédicure classique + massage pieds

Starting at 80 €

Pédicure classique +semi permanent

Starting at 80 €

Pédicure classique + retrait + pose semi

Starting at 85 €

Pédicure médicale

Starting at 65 €

Pédicure médicale +pose semi permanent

Starting at 85 €

Pédicure médicale + retrait + pose semi permanent

Starting at 90 €

Supplément paraffine

Starting at 20 €

supplement callus peeling

Starting at 30 €

Supplément callosités++

Starting at 15 €

soin Torse homme

Soin torse et dos anti-acne

Starting at 130 €

Radiofréquence visage

Radiofréquence visage cou décolleté

Starting at 149.50 €

Geneo soin visage 3 technologies

GENEO revive soin visage antiâge

Starting at 169.50 €

Geneo glam le soin luxueux anti âge composé d'or 24 carats

Starting at 195.50 €

Geneo ulliminate traitement pigmentation eclaire et vivifie

Starting at 158.50 €

Geneo Hydratant Revitalisant et hydratant

Starting at 149.50 €


Soin visage à définir

Starting at 0 €

Microneedling visage

Starting at 150 €

Supplément microneedling cou décolleté

Starting at 39.50 €

Microneedling + Masque enzymatique

Starting at 180 €

Microneedling + Masque enzimatique + Peel

Starting at 220 €

Microneedling + Peeling PCAskin

Starting at 225.50 €

Microneedling contour des yeux (anti cernes, rides)

Starting at 90 €

Masque enzymatique PCAskin

Starting at 165.50 €

Masque enzymatique + Peeling PCAskin

Starting at 220 €

Peeling PCAskin anti age /anti acne /anti tâche

Starting at 185 €

Pure retinol (vitamine A pur)

Starting at 285.50 €

Soin bio-cellulose anti-âge apaisant régénerant

Starting at 135.50 €

Supplément masque Bio-Cellulose régénérant anti-age

Starting at 45 €

Massage cuir chevelu durant soin visage

Starting at 25 €

Soins visage DR SCHRAMMEK peeling végétal

Green peel FRESCH UP

Starting at 129.50 €

Green peel energy

Starting at 200 €


Starting at 0 €

Cure 3 soins GREEN PEEL fresh up'

Starting at 349.65 €

Cure 4 Soins GREEN PEEL Fresh up'

Starting at 466 €

Cure 4 soins. 1 GREEN PEEL Fresh up + 1 Energy + 2 Classique

Starting at 584.55 €

Cure 3 soins: 1 GREEN PEEL Fresh up'+ 2 GREEN PEEL Energy

Starting at 476.55 €

Cure3 soins GREEN PEEL Energy

Starting at 540 €

Cure 2 fresh up + 1 energy avec ampoules

Starting at 430.50 €


Soin anti âge time control

Starting at 169.50 €

Soin purifiant black clearing soin detox nettoyant profond

Starting at 145.50 €

Soin peaux sensibles et sèches

Starting at 155.50 €

Soin spécial traitement rosacee/couperose

Starting at 169.50 €

Soin brightening hyperpigmentation anti age

Starting at 179.50 €

Time Control LIFTING intense

Starting at 205 €

Maquillage semi-permanent / dermopigmentation


Starting at 300 €

Dermo Sourcils

Starting at 300 €

Dermo Eye Liner

Starting at 250 €

Dermo Kohl

Starting at 250 €

Dermo Lèvres

Starting at 300 €


Starting at 50 €

Réhaussement + teinture /Lashlift lami

Teinture cils/sourcils

Starting at 25 €

Pose de faux cils cils à cils

Starting at 155 €

Volume russe

Starting at 175 €

Remplissage volume russe 3 semaines

Starting at 80 €

Dépose cils

Starting at 49.50 €

Remplissage 3semaines cils à cils

Starting at 75 €

Lashlift lami 3D filler

Starting at 105 €

Teinture sourcils + épilation sourcils

Starting at 30 €

HIFU visage et corps

Hifu visage cou

Starting at 400 €

Hifu visage cou décolleté

Starting at 450 €

Hifu contour yeux

Starting at 200 €

Hifu ventre

Starting at 450 €

Hifu intérieur cuisse

Starting at 350 €

Hifu double menton

Starting at 250 €

Hifu cou

Starting at 300 €

Hifu genoux

Starting at 350 €

Lipo hifu cuisses genoux

Starting at 580 €

Lipo hifu ventre

Starting at 550 €

Lipo hifu cuisses genoux

Starting at 1600 €

Lipo hifu ventre

Starting at 1500 €

crioskin RADIOFREQUENCE relachement /cellulite


Starting at 90 €


Starting at 150 €


Starting at 180 €


Starting at 150 €

Intérieur cuisse

Starting at 150 €

radiofrequence cryoskin visage cou

Starting at 165 €

cryolift poitrine

Starting at 150 €

jambes completes

Starting at 250 €

Raffermissement cou décolleté

Starting at 100 €


Starting at 100 €

FORFAITS RADIOFREQUENCE relachement /cellulite

Bras & Jambes 1 zone

Starting at 250 €

Bras & Ventre

Starting at 220 €

Ventre & Jambes 1 zone

Starting at 290 €

Bras & Ventre & Fessier

Starting at 350 €

Bras & Ventre & Jambes 1 zone

Starting at 400 €

Bras & Ventre & Jambes 1 zone & Fessier

Starting at 495 €

LASER DIODE MEDICAL epilation definitive

Lèvre sup.

Starting at 50 €


Starting at 50 €

Mâchoire / Joues

Starting at 70 €

Laser visage complet

Starting at 139.50 €


Starting at 70 €

Poitrine (F)

Starting at 70 €


Starting at 100 €


Starting at 80 €


Starting at 130 €


Starting at 130 €

Ventre (H)

Starting at 100 €


Starting at 70 €


Starting at 60 €

Mains / Pieds

Starting at 60 €


Starting at 80 €

Poitrine (H)

Starting at 70 €

Bikini intégral (H)

Starting at 130 €


Starting at 70 €

Laser cou

Starting at 70 €


Starting at 50 €


Starting at 200 €


Starting at 70 €


Starting at 50 €

Épilation à la Cire Perron Rigot


Starting at 15 €

Lèvre sup.

Starting at 15 €


Starting at 15 €

Visage complet

Starting at 40 €


Starting at 12 €


Starting at 15 €

Bikini (F)

Starting at 25 €


Starting at 40 €

Demi bras

Starting at 30 €


Starting at 45 €


Starting at 30 €

Bras complet

Starting at 40 €


Starting at 12 €

sourcils et lèvre durant soin visage

Starting at 25 €


Starting at 10 €


Starting at 35 €

Radiofréquence visage cou décolleté

Starting at 149.50 €

Massage et gommage enveloppement corps

Massage personnalisé corps complet 60'

Starting at 115 €

Massage personnalisé corps 90'

Starting at 165 €

Massage du dos, épaules, nuque 45'

Starting at 75 €

Massage dos 30'

Starting at 60 €

Massage circulatoire 60'/detox

Starting at 115 €

Massage circulatoire (30') + gommage du corps (30')

Starting at 125 €

Massage anti cellulite 60'

Starting at 115 €

Massage corps 4mains 60'

Starting at 198.50 €

Enveloppement a la boue de la mer morte

Starting at 100 €

Gommage corps à la pâte de gommage sucrée

Starting at 80 €

Gommage + enveloppement au beurre de karité

Starting at 165 €

gommage et enveloppement a la boue de la mer morte DETOX

Starting at 195 €

Massage DUO 1h30

Starting at 330 €

Massage DUO 1H00

Starting at 230 €



Starting at 85 €

HAIR BOOST treatment

Hair boost treatment

Starting at 195 €


Formation dermopigmentation lèvres

Starting at 2500 €

Formation dermopigmentation sourcils

Starting at 2500 €

Enveloppement beurre de karité

Starting at 79.50 €

Soin relaxant dos (gommage+massage)

Starting at 75 €

Massage relaxant 1h

Starting at 90 €

Massage duo

Starting at 230 €

Green Peel energy Dr Schrammek

Starting at 145.50 €

Gommage corps+enveloppement chaud beurre karité

Starting at 145.50 €


Nora, Valérie,  Julie L et Julie R
vous accueillent dans un magnifique cadre relaxant et chaleureux. 
Venez découvrir nos différentes prestations telles que 

Massage gommage corps et enveloppement 
À la boue de la mer morte !

Lashlift et extensions de cils 

Laser diode tous types de peaux (épilation définitive) 

Maquillage semi-permanent sourcils, yeux et lèvres 

Hifu, ultrasons focalisés 

Peeling anti-âge, anti tâche, anti-acné (PCA SKIN) 

Peeling vegetal green peel docteur SCHRAMMEK

Manucure, semi permanent, gel 

Pédicure classique et médicale

A bientôt !


Opening hours
Monday - Tuesday09:00 - 20:00
Wednesday09:00 - 17:30
Thursday - Friday09:00 - 20:00
Saturday09:00 - 17:30

26, op de GÉIEREN

Sprinkange L-4970

Open web page
Open Instagram


This salon has 94 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.

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End result
Overall 4.9
5 stars(92)
4 stars(1)
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1 star(1)

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angenehmes Ambiente im neuen Institut, Personal top, Dienstleistungen einwandfrei


Wéi ëmmer alles perfekt👍🏼


Une très bonne équipe !!! Un parfait accueil et des résultats stupéfiant !! dans une ambiance zen pour un moment à soi merci Nora et toute l’équipe et à bientôt ‘


All comments:


Super manicure par Julie


Très bon resultat, bon accueil et toujours un excellent service


The best manicure in the country!!
