Douce Vanille

Permanent hair removal, tattoo removal by a laser nurse


149, rue de Hollerich Luxembourg L-1741

Salon - Douce Vanille
Salon - Douce Vanille
Salon - Douce Vanille
Salon - Douce Vanille
Salon - Douce Vanille
Salon - Douce Vanille

Important information

• Request your free underarm trial ✨

Three areas: -10%
Four areas: -15%
More than five areas: -20%

• Refer someone: -20% for the referrer on their next session and -20% for the first session of the referred person ✨


Headspa japonais Luxe
540 €
720 €Save 25%

Subscription includes

  • 4x Headspa & soins du visage complet
Headspa japonais basique
450 €
600 €Save 25%

Subscription includes

  • 4x Headspa & soin du visage express
Headspa japonais express
390 €
520 €Save 25%

Subscription includes

  • 4x Headspa


Gift voucher
All services
category-icon [object Object]
Facial treatments
category-icon [object Object]
category-icon [object Object]
Hair removal
category-icon [object Object]
Nails, Hands & Feet
category-icon [object Object]
Massage & Spa
category-icon [object Object]
Eyebrows and Makeup
category-icon [object Object]
Tatto & Piercing

Epilation Laser Femmes - Visage

Essai accueil première visite (F)

Starting at 0 €

Lèvre supérieure extrémités (F)

Starting at 40 €

Lèvre supérieure (F)

Starting at 60 €

Menton (F)

Starting at 80 €

Lèvre supérieure + menton (F)

Starting at 120 €

Joue (F)

Starting at 80 €

Sourcils (entre les yeux) (F)

Starting at 30 €

Front (F)

Starting at 120 €

Favoris (F)

Starting at 80 €

Cou (F)

Starting at 120 €

Nuque (F)

Starting at 100 €

Epilation Laser Femmes - Corps

Aisselles (F)

Starting at 120 €

Seins (F)

Starting at 150 €

Contour mamelons (F)

Starting at 80 €

Ventre (Nombril jusqu'au maillot) (F)

Starting at 90 €

Epilation Laser Femmes - Membres Supérieurs

Avant-bras (F)

Starting at 180 €

Avant-bras + 5 cm bras supérieurs (F)

Starting at 220 €

Bras complet (F)

Starting at 300 €

Doigts (F)

Starting at 80 €

Mains (F)

Starting at 80 €

Epilation Laser Femmes - Membres Inférieurs

Demi jambes sans les genoux (F)

Starting at 250 €

Demi jambes avec les genoux (F)

Starting at 300 €

Demi jambes + genoux + arrière cuisses (F)

Starting at 380 €

Jambes (F)

Starting at 450 €

Cuisses jusqu'aux genoux (F)

Starting at 300 €

Fesses (F)

Starting at 250 €

Epilation Laser Femmes - Zone Pubienne

Maillot bord de slip (- 5 cm) (F)

Starting at 120 €

Maillot Brésilien (+5cm)

Starting at 150 €

Maillot intégral

Starting at 180 €

Maillot + partie interne cuisses (F)

Starting at 220 €

Entre les fesses pend. Traitem. bikini (F)

Starting at 30 €

Entre fesses

Starting at 80 €

Lèvres génitales (F)

Starting at 80 €

Ventre (Nombril jusqu'au maillot) (F)

Starting at 90 €

Epilation Laser Hommes - Visage

Essai accueil première visite (H)

Starting at 0 €

Barbe (H)

Starting at 250 €

Barbe redéssinée (H)

Starting at 90 €

Sourcils (entre les yeux) (H)

Starting at 30 €

Nez (H)

Starting at 40 €

Oreilles (H)

Starting at 80 €

Joues (H)

Starting at 80 €

Front (H)

Starting at 120 €

Cou (H)

Starting at 120 €

Nuque (H)

Starting at 100 €

Epilation Laser Hommes - Corps

Aisselles (H)

Starting at 120 €

Epaules (H)

Starting at 220 €

Thorax (H)

Starting at 200 €

Ventre (H)

Starting at 150 €

Thorax + ventre (sans le cou) (H)

Starting at 350 €

Dos Marcel (H)

Starting at 350 €

Dos + nuque + ligne du T-shirt (H)

Starting at 450 €

Epilation Laser Hommes - Membres Supérieurs

Doigts (H)

Starting at 80 €

Mains (jusqu'au poignet) (H)

Starting at 80 €

Avant-bras (H)

Starting at 200 €

Bras supérieurs jusqu'aux aisselles (H)

Starting at 220 €

Bras complet (H)

Starting at 300 €

Epilation Laser Hommes - Membres Inférieurs

Cuisses jusqu'aux genoux (H)

Starting at 300 €

Demi Jambes sans les genoux (H)

Starting at 250 €

Fesses (H)

Starting at 300 €

Jambes (H)

Starting at 500 €

Demi Jambes avec les genoux (H)

Starting at 300 €

Epilation Laser Hommes - Zone Pubienne

Maillot classique (H)

Starting at 150 €

Maillot integral (H)

Starting at 180 €

Scrotum (H)

Starting at 100 €


Première consultation

Starting at 30 €

Détatouage 30

Starting at 60 €

Détatouage 45

Starting at 100 €

Détatouage 1h

Starting at 150 €


Massage relaxant

Starting at 60 €

Massage relaxant

Starting at 100 €

Massage dos

Starting at 60 €



Starting at 30 €

Ventre + hanches

Starting at 45 €

Jambes + fesses

Starting at 50 €

Jambes + fesses + 1 zone

Starting at 75 €

Corps complet

Starting at 100 €

Soins du visage

Soins du visage

Starting at 65 €

Un visage Glowy

Starting at 85 €

Un vissage sans imperfections

Starting at 70 €

Massage future maman

Repos de grossesse

Starting at 90 €

Massage Bébé

Bébé reposé

Starting at 90 €

Headspa japonais

Headspa & soins du visage complet

Starting at 180 €

Headspa & soin du visage express

Starting at 150 €


Starting at 130 €

soins des mains et des pieds


Starting at 40 €

Gainage ongles longs

Starting at 50 €

Semi-permanent mains

Starting at 60 €

Gel X + vernis

Starting at 70 €

Dépose Gel + pose

Starting at 80 €

Dépose semi-permanent

Starting at 30 €

Semi-permanent dépose + pose

Starting at 70 €

Dépose gel

Starting at 50 €

Semi permanent pied

Starting at 60 €

Pose + réparation par ongle cassé

Starting at 5 €

Nail art (par ongle)

Starting at 8 €

French par ongle

Starting at 5 €

French main complète

Starting at 15 €

Réhaussement de cils

Teinture des cils

Starting at 40 €

Réhaussement de cils

Starting at 90 €

Teinture des sourcils

Starting at 50 €

Essai accueil première visite (F)

Starting at 0 €

Lèvre supérieure extrémités (F)

Starting at 40 €

Lèvre supérieure (F)

Starting at 60 €

Menton (F)

Starting at 80 €

Lèvre supérieure + menton (F)

Starting at 120 €

Joue (F)

Starting at 80 €

Sourcils (entre les yeux) (F)

Starting at 30 €

Front (F)

Starting at 120 €

Favoris (F)

Starting at 80 €

Cou (F)

Starting at 120 €

Nuque (F)

Starting at 100 €


LaserLux is based in multiple centers in Luxembourg for your well-being.
Change your life; the treatments we offer are here to make you happy.
Laser hair removal, tattoo removal, photo rejuvenation, etc.
Amandine and Delphine, graduated nurses for several years, laser specialists.

A Lightsheer laser renowned for 30 years.

Visit our website:


Opening hours
Monday - Friday10:00 - 19:00
Sunday10:00 - 15:00


This salon has 6 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.

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End result
Overall 5
5 stars(6)
4 stars(0)
3 stars(0)
2 stars(0)
1 star(0)

All comments:


Fiable, compétent & gentil


Comme d'habitude c'était une très bonne ambiance 😊

Douce Vanille replied:

Merci beaucoup 🫶🏽


Merci à Delphine pour son travail et sa gentillesse! Un plaisir de venir!

Douce Vanille replied:

Merci 🫶🏽


Parfait, rien a dire, 10/10

Douce Vanille replied:

Merci à bientôt 🫶🏽


Parfait, comme toujours! A recommander


Mme Deborah est super sympa et acceuillante et on se sent bien encadré dès qu‘on arrive. À recommander 100%
