Pose de Gel ou Acryl (2 déco. Inclues)
Starting at 65 €
Starting at 58.50 €
Pose de Gel ou Acryl Étudiants (2 déco inclues)
Starting at 58.50 €
Remplissage Étudiants
Starting at 54.50 €
Déco Supplémentaire( par ongle)
Starting at 5.50 €
Réparation Gel/Acryl (par ongle)
Starting at 6.50 €
Réparation Semi-Permanent (par ongle)
Starting at 5.50 €
Enlèvement Gel/Acryl
Starting at 12 €
Pose Vernis Normal
Starting at 12 €
Pose Semi-Permanent (sans décoration)
Starting at 42 €
Starting at 37 €
Starting at 5.50 €
FORFAIT Manucure et Pédicure
Starting at 71 €
Supplement de Temps (15 min)
Starting at 5.50 €
Pose de Semi Permanent Pieds
Starting at 32 €
Enlevement Semi Permanent
Starting at 12 €
Starting at 27 €
Starting at 25 €
Starting at 19 €
Starting at 24 €
Starting at 15 €
Starting at 19 €
Visage (cire)
Starting at 20 €
Sourcis & Lèvres (à la cire)
Starting at 6.50 €
Au Fil
Starting at 15 €
Design des sourcils
Starting at 21 €
Corps Complet + Visage
Starting at 76 €
Jambes complètes et Maillot intégral
Starting at 60 €
1/2 Jambes et Aisselles et Maillot Integral
Starting at 55 €
1/2 Jambes + Maillot
Starting at 49 €
Dos complet
Starting at 38 €
Starting at 24 €
Starting at 24 €
Ventre + Torse
Starting at 38 €
Dos + Torse
Starting at 53 €
Jambes Complètes
Starting at 42 €
Corps Complet
Starting at 82 €
Starting at 21 €
Starting at 39 €
Permanent et Coloration
Starting at 56 €
Make UP
Starting at 45 €
Permanente Sourcils
Starting at 40 €
Soin de Visage
Starting at 15 €
Première pose 1BY1
Starting at 105 €
Première pose Volume
Starting at 127 €
Remplissage 2 semaines
Starting at 47 €
Remplissage 3 semaines
Starting at 67 €
Remplissage 4 semaines
Starting at 77 €
Remplissage après 5 semaines - Prix Complete
Starting at 105 €
Enlevement de Faux Cils
Starting at 15 €
Sourcils (entre) Laser
Starting at 18 €
Levre Superieure Laser
Starting at 35 €
Menton Laser
Starting at 37 €
Visage Laser
Starting at 70 €
Levre + Menton Laser
Starting at 65 €
Levre + Sourcils (entre) Laser
Starting at 45 €
Levre + Menton + Sourcil (entre) Laser
Starting at 82 €
Jambes Completes Laser
Starting at 80 €
1/2 Jambes Laser
Starting at 55 €
3/4 Jambes Laser
Starting at 70 €
Maillot Laser
Starting at 45 €
Maillot Integral Laser
Starting at 65 €
Maillot Bresilien Laser
Starting at 85 €
Aisselles Laser
Starting at 42 €
Dos Laser
Starting at 60 €
1/2 Bras Laser
Starting at 45 €
3/4 Bras Laser
Starting at 50 €
Bras Completes Laser
Starting at 80 €
Jambes Completes + Maillot + Aisselles Laser
Starting at 160 €
Jambes Completes + Maillot Integral + Aisselles Laser
Starting at 180 €
Jambes Completes + Maillot Integral + Aiselles + Visage LAS
Starting at 250 €
1/2 Jambes + Maillot + Aiselles Laser
Starting at 135 €
1/2 Jambes + Maillot Integral + Aisselles Laser
Starting at 160 €
Pre Consultation Laser
Starting at 0 €
Demonstration de Laser
Starting at 0 €
Barbe Entiére Laser
Starting at 80 €
Barbe Contour Laser
Starting at 50 €
Poils des Oreilles Laser
Starting at 30 €
Jambes Completes Laser
Starting at 100 €
1/2 Jambes Laser
Starting at 70 €
Aisselles Laser
Starting at 55 €
Pieds Laser
Starting at 35 €
Mains Laser
Starting at 35 €
Torse Laser
Starting at 60 €
Ventre Laser
Starting at 50 €
Jambes Completès +Aisseles
Starting at 140 €
Jambes Completès + Aisselles + Ventre
Starting at 180 €
Jambes Completès + Aisselles + Ventre + Dos
Starting at 210 €
Dos Laser
Starting at 50 €
Torse + Ventre
Starting at 90 €
Nuque + Epaule
Starting at 80 €
Pose de Gel ou Acryl (2 déco. Inclues)
Starting at 65 €Remplissage
Starting at 58.50 €Pose de Gel ou Acryl Étudiants (2 déco inclues)
Starting at 58.50 €Remplissage Étudiants
Starting at 54.50 €Déco Supplémentaire( par ongle)
Starting at 5.50 €Réparation Gel/Acryl (par ongle)
Starting at 6.50 €Réparation Semi-Permanent (par ongle)
Starting at 5.50 €Enlèvement Gel/Acryl
Starting at 12 €Pose Vernis Normal
Starting at 12 €Pose Semi-Permanent (sans décoration)
Starting at 42 €Manucure
Starting at 37 €Pédicure
Starting at 5.50 €FORFAIT Manucure et Pédicure
Starting at 71 €Supplement de Temps (15 min)
Starting at 5.50 €Pose de Semi Permanent Pieds
Starting at 32 €Enlevement Semi Permanent
Starting at 12 €Monday - Saturday | 09:00 - 19:00 |
Sunday | Closed |
2, Topaze shopping center, Allée John W. Leonard Mersch L-7526 | |
+35226320164 | |
Open web page | |
Open Facebook |
This salon has 93 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.
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Très bon service :)
Très satisfaite de la pose de vernis semi-permanent et surtout de la sympathie des employées. Je ne peux que recommander!
Ma première séance chez beauty4you et très très satisfaite. Je reviendrai.
Comme toujours un travail parfait 🤩
Ambiance très agréable, personnel très gentille. Un grand merci à Ana, je suis très satisfaite de son travail impeccable.
Everything very good, for a faire price, I'm coming back soon:-)