PURA well being

Zeit und Raum einfach vergessen....


2, rue du Village Steinheim L-6585

Salon - PURA well being
Salon - PURA well being
Salon - PURA well being
Salon - PURA well being
Salon - PURA well being
Salon - PURA well being

Important information

Dear customers,
After almost 4 wonderful years full of encounters, relaxation and growth, I have made a decision that is not easy for me: I will be closing my PURA well-being studio - or my time-out oasis, as some clients also call it - on March 31, 2025.
This decision was a personal and emotional journey that was accompanied by many considerations. My heart is a little heavy at the moment, but also full of gratitude for the many moments we have shared together.
Thank you for your trust and for your support on my and our shared journey to greater wellbeing. I am grateful and fulfilled by all of you that I have been able to accompany and hope that you take all the positive experiences with you and that they continue to give you strength.
It means a lot to me that I was part of your lives with PURA. And thank you for being part of my journey too.
I've learned a lot in the last few years and this knowledge will stay with me, regardless of whether it's holistic experience or business experience. Perhaps one or two things will be used again in a different way at a later date.

When one door closes, a new door opens.That's what my dad always said and I've trusted that for years, and also that my path is already set. 
I just have to follow it...
The time with PURA well-being will remain deeply anchored in me. I have loved being there for you over the last few years.
I would like to invite you to use the remaining time until 31.03.2025 with me - be it for a massage or a time-out with the various relaxation techniques I offer. And don't forget the Ayurvedic nutritional advice.
Vouchers can also be redeemed until 31.03.2025 with a treatment of your choice.
Best wishes and good health to you all from the bottom of my heart.




All services
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Facial treatments
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Massage & Spa
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Massage & Care

Give your body a treat

Starting at 105 €

Detoxmassage - Dellen adé

Starting at 94 €

Massage & relaxation

Kalari Abhyanga full body oil massage

Starting at 134 €

Pinda Sveda herbal stamp massage

Starting at 94 €

Timeout for back and neck

Starting at 94 €

Padabhyanga feet massage

Starting at 68 €

Mukhabhyanga & Kalari Head Massage

Starting at 95 €

Mukhabhyanga, Hatabhyanga & Padabhyanga

Starting at 125 €

Hatha Yoga und Massage

Starting at 150 €

Pada Plus, Fussmassage mit Trockenhandschuh und Öl

Starting at 94 €

Hatha Yoga (auf Deutsch oder Lux)

Yoga Einzelunterricht für Anfänger

Starting at 90 €

Yoga con mi amor (für 2 Personen)

Starting at 90 €

Give your body a treat

Starting at 105 €

Detoxmassage - Dellen adé

Starting at 94 €


Well-being studio for ayurvedic oil massages and treatments from head till toe, relaxation techniques, Hatha Yoga and Yoga on a chair.

Located in the old Kindergarden in Steinheim, 2 rue du Village, L-6585 Steinheim 



Opening hours
Monday - Wednesday09:00 - 19:00
Thursday09:00 - 20:00
Friday09:00 - 19:00
Saturday09:00 - 15:00

2, rue du Village

Steinheim L-6585

Open Facebook
Open Instagram


This salon has 97 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.

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End result
Overall 5
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Highlighted reviews:


Quelle belle expérience apaisante et magique. Je recommande à 100%.

PURA well being replied:

Merci Vanessa pour ta gentille appréciation. Quelle joie que tu l'aies trouvé magique !


Alles perfekt ❤️ et fillt een sech vum éischten Moment u wuel beim Michaela, d'Massage war super entspaannend. Et war eng schéin Auszäit vum Alldaag an et war secher net déi lescht.

PURA well being replied:

Merci Claudia fir deng léif Wieder 🙏 Genee esou Auszäiten vum Alldag sollen et sinn bäi mir. Ech freeë mech, dats Du Dech wuel gespiert hues. Hoffentlech bis bal rëm.


Dear Michaela , an angel must have sent me into Rewe when you were there 🙏🏻😇Thank you for the great treatment 🙏🏻, I had the best long ,uninterrupted , peaceful sleep last night after your Ayurveda treatment ,something I have not had in a very long time . Feeling so much lighter and more relaxe...

PURA well being replied:

Dear Helen, I am so happy and grateful that I could help you ❤️. Hope this light and relaxed feeling holds on. A head massage can really help if the mind is too busy 🙏. Big hug and thank you for your trust !

All comments:


Wow was für ein Wohlfühlerlebnis bei Michaela,Tiefenenstpannung pur👌

PURA well being replied:

Liebe Nathalie, ich freue mich sehr, dass es Dir so gut gefallen hat bei mir. Ganz herzlichen Dank ♥️


Habe heute eine ayurvedische Massage bei Michaela genossen und bin begeistert! Der liebevoll und sauber eingerichtete Raum mit sanfter Musik sorgte sofort für Entspannung. Michaela ist super professionell, herzlich und geht auf individuelle Bedürfnisse ein. Die hochwertigen Öle und ihre gekonnte Tec...

PURA well being replied:

Danke, Danke, Danke für Dein Vertrauen 🫶, liebe Anyely


Die Nacken-Rückenmassage ist sehr zuempfehlen. Ich habe die Auszeit sehr genossen und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. Genuss und Entspannung Puuuuur!!!

PURA well being replied:

Ganz lieben Dank für Deine Worte, Astrid. Schön, dass Du DEINE Auszeit voll geniessen konntest 🙏