Well-being studio for ayurvedic oil massages and treatments from head till toe, relaxation techniques, Hatha Yoga and Yoga on a chair. Located in the old Kindergarden in Steinheim, 2 rue du Village, L-6585 Steinheim www.pura-wellbeing.lu
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Subscription includes
Massage & Care
Give your body a treat
Starting at 105 €
Give your body a treat
Starting at 110 €
Detoxmassage - Dellen adé
Starting at 94 €
Massage & relaxation
Mukhabhyanga & Padabhyanga head and feet massage
Starting at 105 €
Kalari Abhyanga full body oil massage
Starting at 134 €
Pinda Sveda herbal stamp massage
Starting at 94 €
Timeout for back and neck
Starting at 94 €
Padabhyanga feet massage
Starting at 68 €
Massage Mama/Papa und ich
Starting at 170 €
Kindermassage mit kleiner Fantasiereise
Starting at 75 €
Mukhabhyanga & Kalari Head Massage
Starting at 95 €
Mukhabhyanga, Hatabhyanga & Padabhyanga
Starting at 125 €
Hatha Yoga und Massage
Starting at 150 €
Pada Plus, Fussmassage mit Trockenhandschuh und Öl
Starting at 94 €
Autogenes Training vor ODER nach der Massage
Starting at 40 €
Nacken, Gesicht, Arme & Hände
Starting at 94 €
Entspannungstechniken (nur auf Deutsch oder Lux)
Autogenes Training angeleitet
Starting at 90 €
Progressive Muskelentspannung angeleitet
Starting at 90 €
Hatha Yoga (auf Deutsch oder Lux)
Yoga Einzelunterricht für Anfänger
Starting at 90 €
Yoga con mi amor (für 2 Personen)
Starting at 90 €
Sugaring...100 % natural and vegan with sugarpaste
Hair removal Lower leg
Starting at 0 €
Hair removal Bikini line
Starting at 160 €
Give your body a treat
Starting at 105 €Give your body a treat
Starting at 110 €Detoxmassage - Dellen adé
Starting at 94 €Well-being studio for ayurvedic oil massages and treatments from head till toe, relaxation techniques, Hatha Yoga and Yoga on a chair. Located in the old Kindergarden in Steinheim, 2 rue du Village, L-6585 Steinheim www.pura-wellbeing.lu
Monday - Wednesday | 09:00 - 19:00 |
Thursday | 09:00 - 20:00 |
Friday | 09:00 - 19:00 |
Saturday | 09:00 - 15:00 |
Sunday | Closed |
2, rue du Village Steinheim L-6585 | |
+352621488247 | |
Open Facebook | |
Open Instagram |
This salon has 95 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.
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Merci Vanessa pour ta gentille appréciation. Quelle joie que tu l'aies trouvé magique !
Alles perfekt ❤️ et fillt een sech vum éischten Moment u wuel beim Michaela, d'Massage war super entspaannend. Et war eng schéin Auszäit vum Alldaag an et war secher net déi lescht.
Merci Claudia fir deng léif Wieder 🙏 Genee esou Auszäiten vum Alldag sollen et sinn bäi mir. Ech freeë mech, dats Du Dech wuel gespiert hues. Hoffentlech bis bal rëm.
Dear Michaela , an angel must have sent me into Rewe when you were there 🙏🏻😇Thank you for the great treatment 🙏🏻, I had the best long ,uninterrupted , peaceful sleep last night after your Ayurveda treatment ,something I have not had in a very long time . Feeling so much lighter and more relaxed . 🥰
Dear Helen, I am so happy and grateful that I could help you ❤️. Hope this light and relaxed feeling holds on. A head massage can really help if the mind is too busy 🙏. Big hug and thank you for your trust !
Super Massage gehabt Liebes Personal
Liebe Frau Juss, das freut mich sehr! Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Vertrauen 🫶
Excellente Arbeit und sehr entspannend!!
Hallo Tessy, Merci fir deng léif Bewertung. Dann sinn ech och happy ;)
Wow was für ein Wohlfühlerlebnis bei Michaela,Tiefenenstpannung pur👌
Liebe Nathalie, ich freue mich sehr, dass es Dir so gut gefallen hat bei mir. Ganz herzlichen Dank ♥️
Quelle belle expérience apaisante et magique. Je recommande à 100%.