Manucure simple + Semi Permanent
Ongles naturel + semi (base renforcée)
Starting at 60 €
Dépose+manucure+semi( base renforce)
Starting at 60 €
Dépose Manucure vernis
Starting at 35 €
Starting at 30 €
Starting at 15 €
Manucurerusse + Semi permanent
Manucure +semi (base renforcée)
Starting at 80 €
Dépose + Manucure +semi (base renforcé)
Starting at 80 €
Starting at 40 €
Gel / AcrilGel / Gel x / Acrilic
Depose +Gel+coleur
Starting at 70 €
Extension + Gel +coleur
Starting at 90 €
Reparation ongles
Starting at 5 €
Starting at 70 €
Ongles Naturels+gel+coleur
Starting at 70 €
Extension extra long +gel+coleur
Starting at 120 €
Nails Art
Baby boomer blanc
Starting at 20 €
French trait fin
Starting at 10 €
French trait arqué
Starting at 15 €
Starting at 5 €
Feuille d'or
Starting at 2 €
Starting at 1 €
Effet sirène
Starting at 3 €
Double french
Starting at 20 €
Nail Art Abstrait
Starting at 4 €
Animal print (Leopard,zébra,cow,girafe)
Starting at 6 €
Effet marbre
Starting at 5 €
Effet pierre précieuse
Starting at 4 €
Nail art petits dessins ( coeurs ,fleurs, lettres..)
Starting at 4 €
Nails Art technique sur Devis
Starting at 30 €
Pedicure Spa
Pedicure Spa
Starting at 50 €
Pedicure Spa with transparent Nail polish
Starting at 60 €
Pedicure Spa with Semi Permanent
Starting at 80 €
Pédicure Spa + peeling + semi
Starting at 90 €
Pédicure profond
Starting at 70 €
Pedicure profond +semi
Starting at 90 €
Pédicure sèche + semi permanent
Starting at 50 €
Jelly Pédicure soins des pieds profond
Jelly Pédicure
Starting at 65 €
Starting at 70 €
Jelly +semi
Starting at 95 €
Pédicure Luxury , peeling +jelly + massage relaxant+semi
Starting at 150 €
Épilation sourcils
Starting at 10 €
Maquillage jour
Starting at 45 €
Maquillage soirée
Starting at 70 €
Maquillage Spéciale Fêtes de fin d'année
Starting at 70 €
Maquillage mariée
Starting at 150 €
Maquillage marié à domicile
Starting at 250 €
Ongles naturel + semi (base renforcée)
Starting at 60 €Dépose+manucure+semi( base renforce)
Starting at 60 €Dépose Manucure vernis
Starting at 35 €Manicure+vernis
Starting at 30 €Depose
Starting at 15 €Monday | Closed |
Tuesday - Friday | 10:00 - 19:00 |
Saturday | 09:30 - 17:30 |
Sunday | Closed |
37, Avenue Grand-Duc Jean Howald L-1842 | |
+352 27 70 83 63 | |
Open web page | |
Open Facebook | |
Open Instagram |
This salon has 218 Salonkee verified reviews. If you've booked an online appointment at this salon, we encourage you to share your experience by leaving a review and help others make informed decisions about their beauty needs.
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The staff is always on time and very friendly. They do an amazing job and the nails are always perfect.